Helping Professionals
Therapy for healthcare workers, educators, and mental health professionals in Knoxville, TN
Nurses, doctors, clergy, pastors, teachers, school counselors, and mental health therapists
Therapy for Helping Professionals
As a helping professional, you spend your days taking care of other people. You need expert, trustworthy, and compassionate care for you.
You are a doctor, nurse practitioner, nurse, teacher, school counselor, pastor, pharmacist, social worker, or mental health therapist. You’re a high achiever who is hard on yourself. You think you need to “do it all” but it never feels good enough. The pandemic, systemic issues in your workplace, and the increasing needs of those in your care has made you burn out. Maybe you realize you’ve stopped taking care of yourself and it’s time to practice what you preach.
It’s hard to find the right help when you yourself work in healthcare, education, or ministry. You don’t want to see an intern or someone right out of school or go to a big counseling center where you might run into people you know. You need someone who will make you dig deep and help you see your blind spots.
As a therapist for over 13 years, I know that compassion fatigue and burn out are REAL experiences. I love working with other helping professionals to help you set boundaries in your work, integrate your work and personal life, and get back to thriving instead of just surviving.
It’s time to make yourself a priority. You are deserving of care too. Take the first step toward getting your joy back by scheduling a therapy appointment with me.
It’s hard to find the right therapist when you are a helping professional yourself. Here are some benefits of working with Dr. Camden:
Expert-level treatment from a licensed psychologist with over 13 years of experience as a therapist, professor, and clinical supervisor
Greater privacy and confidentiality as a solo practitioner than a group practice
Compassionate, knowledgeable care for all types of helping professionals
Skills training in DBT to help you get your mind, body, and emotions aligned